CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 dietitian and body slimming services
44 dietitian counselling
44 dietitian services
44 dispensary services
44 drug rehabilitation services
44 drug therapy services
44 ear-piercing services
44 electrotherapy services for physiotherapy
44 emergency medical assistance
44 eyesight correction services utilizing laser beam technology
44 facial and reflexology services
44 facial and skin care services
44 facial beautification services
44 facial beauty treatment services
44 facial care services
44 facial contouring
44 facial services
44 facial, skin and nail care services
44 facial slimming services
44 facial treatment services
44 farming advisory services
44 farming equipment rental
44 farming services
44 fat and health analysis services for slimming purposes
44 fertilizer spreading
44 first aid services
44 fitness testing
44 fitting of urinary incontinence appliances by qualified medical staff
44 fixing of hair pieces to the heads of human beings
44 floral display hiring services
44 flower arrangement
44 flower arrangement design
44 flower arrangement design services using flowers, plants and other agricultural, horticultural and forestry products
44 flower arrangement for domestic and office decoration
44 flower arranging
44 flower arranging services
44 flower essence therapy
44 flower information services
44 flower plantation
44 food nutrition consultancy services
44 foot massage services
44 foot massage treatment
44 foot spa services
44 garden design services
44 garden or flower bed maintenance
44 garden tree planting
44 gardening
44 gardening services
44 gene and protein testing for medical purposes
44 genetic evaluation and analysis services for medical purposes

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