CPY Trademark Services

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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 44 - Medical & Gardening

Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture and forestry services.

Class Class Name
44 cosmetic and health care services
44 cosmetic and plastic surgery
44 cosmetic body care services
44 cosmetic consultancy
44 cosmetic dermatology treatment
44 cosmetic electrolysis
44 cosmetic, make-up and beauty consultation services
44 cosmetic, make-up and beauty treatment
44 cosmetic make-up and treatment
44 cosmetic make-up consulting services
44 cosmetic surgery
44 cosmetic surgery for human beings
44 cosmetic treatment and beauty care (beauty salons)
44 cosmetic treatment for the body
44 cosmetic treatment for the body, face and hair
44 cosmetic treatment for the face
44 cosmetic treatment for the hair
44 cosmetic treatment services
44 cosmetician services
44 counselling and advisory services relating to diet
44 counselling, consultancy and advisory services relating to women's health and healthcare
44 counselling for groups and individuals on disordered sleep breathing diseases
44 counselling relating to beauty, diet, nutrition, psychological relief and treatment of medical ailments
44 counselling relating to diet and nutrition
44 cultivation and growing of flowers and plants
44 cultivation of plants
44 cupping glass services
44 curative steam therapy
44 custom cattle feeding services
44 dental care
44 dental health care services provided through a network of dental care providers
44 dental hypnotherapy
44 dental services
44 dentistry services
44 dentistry services
44 depilatory treatment
44 depilatory waxing
44 diagnosis of conditions of the human body
44 diagnostic and therapeutic services
44 diagnostic imaging
44 diagnostic services
44 diet planning
44 dietary and health treatment
44 dietary and nutritional advice
44 dietary and nutritional advisory services
44 dietary, health care, medical and physical checkup services for sports persons
44 dietetic advice relating to food and drinks
44 dietetic counselling services
44 dietetic counselling services (medical)
44 dietician services

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