CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 arranging of the warehousing and distribution (transportation) of imported goods for others
39 arranging of tours and cruises
39 arranging of tours and excursions
39 arranging of tours by boat
39 arranging of transportation
39 arranging of transportation by air, land, rail and water
39 arranging of transportation for travel tours
39 arranging of transportation of goods, passengers and travellers by land and sea
39 arranging of transportation, packaging, crating and inspection of goods for transportation
39 arranging of transportation, tours and excursions
39 arranging of travel
39 arranging of travel and transport reservation services
39 arranging of travel services
39 arranging of travel tours
39 arranging of travel visas, passports and travel documents
39 arranging of vehicle rental
39 arranging or operation of cruises and tours
39 arranging, organising and providing tours and cruises
39 arranging, organizing and conducting of cruises, excursions, expeditions and tours
39 arranging packing of goods
39 arranging passenger transportation by airplane, train, bus, limousine, car, ship and boat
39 arranging pickup, delivery, storage and transportation of documents, packages, freight and parcels via ground and air carriers
39 arranging removal services
39 arranging ship charters for others
39 arranging stopovers for passengers, aircraft crew and their baggage
39 arranging storage of goods
39 arranging the packing of goods
39 arranging the storage of luggage
39 arranging the transport of passengers and goods
39 arranging the transport of persons and goods by motor vehicles, railways, boats and aeroplanes
39 arranging the transportation of goods and luggage
39 arranging the transportation of goods for others
39 arranging the transportation of goods, passengers and freight by road
39 arranging tour
39 arranging tour packages for people attending trade conventions and meetings
39 arranging tours and cruises
39 arranging tours and excursions
39 arranging tours and transportation
39 arranging tours and travel
39 arranging tours, sightseeing (tourism), city tours, cruises and excursions
39 arranging transport
39 arranging transportation by land, sea, and air
39 arranging transportation, distribution and delivery of goods to customers
39 arranging transportation of cargo
39 arranging transportation of cargos by rail and vehicles
39 arranging transportation of merchandise
39 arranging travel
39 arranging travel tours
39 arranging travel via the Internet
39 arranging upgrading of airline tickets

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