CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 39 - Transport & Packaging

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class Class Name
39 automobile shuttle services
39 baggage check-in services
39 baggage delivery and distribution services
39 baggage handling services
39 barge transport
39 boat and yacht rental
39 boat and yacht storage
39 boat and yacht transport
39 boat rental
39 boat storage
39 boat transport
39 boat transportation services
39 bonded storage services
39 bonded warehousing
39 booking agency services for travel
39 booking agency services for travel and transportation
39 booking for travel by electronic and computer means
39 booking of seats for travel
39 booking of tickets for travel
39 booking services for business travel
39 booking services for tours
39 booking services for travel
39 bottling services
39 brokerage of freight transportation
39 brokerage services relating to distribution of goods (transportation)
39 bus services
39 bus transport
39 bus transport services
39 cable car transport
39 car hire services
39 car parking
39 car parking services
39 car parking [valet] services
39 car rental
39 car rental services
39 car sharing services
39 car transport
39 car transport services
39 cargo agency services
39 cargo container rental services
39 cargo delivery services
39 cargo forwarding services
39 cargo freight services
39 cargo handling services
39 cargo loading and unloading services
39 cargo packaging
39 cargo storage
39 cargo tracking services
39 cargo transport services
39 cargo warehousing

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