CPY Trademark Services

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成立公司 銀行開戶 公司秘書 會計、審計及報稅 商標註冊 TVP 科技券計劃

Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 rental of paper making machines
40 rental of paper processing machines
40 rental of photo-developing, printing, enlarging or finishing apparatus
40 rental of photographic printing apparatus
40 rental of printing machines and apparatus
40 rental of pulping machines
40 rental of sewing machines
40 rental of sewing machines for attaching buttons to clothing or baggage
40 rental of sewing machines for attaching slide fasteners to clothing or baggage
40 rental of space heating apparatus
40 rental of tobacco processing machines
40 rental of waste compacting machines and apparatus
40 rental of waste crushing machines and apparatus
40 rental of water purifying apparatus
40 rental of water treatment equipment
40 rental of wood and plywood working machines and apparatus
40 reproduction of cinematographic films
40 reproduction of video tapes and cassette tapes
40 saddlery working
40 sandblasting services
40 sawing of materials
40 screen printing
40 semiconductor wafer etching services
40 semiconductor wafer fabrication services
40 semiconductor wafer photolithography services
40 services of a dental technician
40 sewage treatment
40 shaping and cutting of metal
40 shoe staining
40 silkscreen printing
40 silk-screen printing services
40 silver plating
40 skin dressing
40 slaughtering of animals
40 soldering
40 solid waste treatment services
40 sorting of waste and recyclable material [transformation]
40 stencil printing
40 stone-working
40 stripping finishes
40 surface coating of metal
40 surface plating
40 surface treatment
40 surface treatment by liquid pressure transfer for electrical appliances and electronic apparatus
40 surface treatment by liquid pressure transfer for machines
40 surface treatment of dental implants
40 surface treatment of metals
40 tailoring services
40 tanning
40 taxidermy

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