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Trademark Classification Search

Trademark Registration

Class 40 - Treatment of Materials

Treatment of materials; recycling of waste and trash; air purification and treatment of water; printing services; food and drink preservation.

Class Class Name
40 textile dyeing
40 textile fireproofing
40 textile knitting
40 textile mothproofing
40 textile pattern printing
40 textile treating
40 thermal printing services
40 thin film coating
40 timber felling and processing
40 timber processing
40 tin plating
40 tinning
40 tinplate colouring (other than painting)
40 tinting of car windows
40 transformation of waste
40 transformation of waste and recyclable materials
40 transformation of waste and trash
40 trash or waste treatment (transformation)
40 treating of paper
40 treatment of chemical materials
40 treatment of cloth
40 treatment of clothing
40 treatment of films, photographic films and transparencies
40 treatment of fur/leather
40 treatment of gas residues
40 treatment of heavy metal sewage
40 treatment of industrial, construction and demolition waste
40 treatment of industrial effluents
40 treatment of liquid
40 treatment of materials
40 treatment of materials for manufacturing household, kitchen and bathroom products
40 treatment of materials for textile use
40 treatment of paper
40 treatment of plastics for third parties
40 treatment of plastics/ceramics
40 treatment of textiles
40 treatment of timber
40 treatment of wool
40 treatment or processing of cloth, clothing or fur
40 treatment (purification) of water
40 treatment (reclamation) of industrial waste
40 treatment (recycling) of chemicals
40 treatment (recycling) of hazardous liquids
40 treatment (recycling) of hazardous products
40 treatment (recycling) of radioactive waste
40 treatment (recycling) of toxic liquids
40 treatment (transformation) of waste
40 treatment (transformation) of waste water and materials
40 typesetting services
40 typographic printing

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